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Wildlife Crossing AR

Augmented Reality Experience

The client - InCitu in partnership with
Snap Inc. and the Annenberg foundation.

The work - UX design for an augmented reality experience 


See the future with Augmented Reality

After years of planning, researching, and fundraising, the construction of the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing has begun and it aims to protect and restore wildlife habitats that were damaged by the giant ten-lane 101 highway in southern California, impacting the habitat of mountain lions and other species in the area and pushing them towards extinction.

inCitu, a social-impact software application that uses augmented reality to democratize urban planning, in its partnership with Snap Inc. and the Annenberg Foundation, sought to create a new AR experience that will allow users around the world to visualize the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing and learn about its significance, the construction plans, and the impact it will have on a variety of species. 

Diving into the ideation of the Wildlife Crossing AR experience, we had three key objectives:

Spread the Word

Educate about the importance of the cause, and the current challenges the different species in the area are facing due to the current situation.

Engage Communities

Allow users to learn through interaction with the future plan, visualizing what would the wildlife crossing look like both on-site and around the world.

Exhibit the Design

Showcase the research and design of the largest wildlife crossing in the world and the impact it will have on the wildlife in the area that is facing extinction.



Getting to know the potential users

User Personas

Observer (2).png
Champion (2).png

Information Artchitecture

Aiming to engage with people of varying degrees of familiarity with the cause and the project I looked for a way to present the information in a way that will tell the story of this project, dividing it into three main chapters, The Cause, The Plan & The Impact, making sure the information comes in bite-size, so it can keep a steady rhythm creating an engaging educational experience.

Information architecture (2).png


The Wildlife Crossing AR Experience


Slide - 1.png
Slide - 2.png
Slide - 3.png


Making headlines and spreading the word

The launch as part of the 7th annual P-22 week, the wildlife crossing AR experience was revealed in its initial stages and made it to multiple news channels and media outlets nationwide.

At the reveal, many participants got to interact with the experience on-site and visualize the bridge on location, and celebrate the construction that has already begun. 


Thanks for reading!

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